Ubuntu of the Sun and Moon
We are one light.
Each can say—
you are,
and thus, I am
something to see.
Walking on water.
Published by Nthanda Review, 2018
Each can say—
you are,
and thus, I am
something to see.
Walking on water.
Published by Nthanda Review, 2018
Joe Bisicchia
Joe Bisicchia writes of our shared dynamic. Commonality of humankind is a constant theme as he highlights the extraordinary power of faith in ordinary, everyday life. The author of four published poetry collections (detailed below), he has also written over two hundred fifty individual works that have been published in over one hundred publications. This site presents a sampling of his many published works. The menu icon display opens to 5 pages of poetry followed by Joe's bio and contact information. Many of the poems are in easy to read text, while others are links to various sites, including readings by Joe. The images are by his son, Michael Bisicchia. Thanks for visiting, and hope you enjoy your stay.
Explore all the tabs of this site for excerpts of Joe's works.
“A wonderful exploration of the enduring significance of Christmas and the depth of the emotions it evokes. It captures the essence of timeless connection and the beauty of being present in the moment." Click here for a review by Pegasus Literary.
From the collection:
It is a box from above.Not emptiness. But what always is. Unwrapped, it manifests.The greatest everyday gift.Love, in its presence.Here, amidst us. So it is, every moment,Christmas.
Joe Bisicchia reads the collection's first poem here, "December 26."
“The poems in this book are a gift. They will nourish the soul and greet the reader with an inspiring solace." Click here for a review by poet/reviewer LB Sedlacek.
From the opening poem:
We each long to be healed.So near the healer, if only we knew.So near to heal each other.So near to let go and be healed.
What shall follow is a moment in timenow over and over, for countless selves.Old and new.I feel a poem coming on.
To be followed by another, and another.
What shall follow is a moment in timenow over and over, for countless selves.Old and new.I feel a poem coming on.
To be followed by another, and another.
“It is gutsy for a poet to take on this most daunting of subjects and put it to paper...But, bear in mind, this is definitely not a book of sappy greeting card love poems." Click here for a review by poet/reviewer LB Sedlacek.
From the opening poem:
Without Love,nothing exists.
With Love, the world goes round.
There is not much moreto say about this.Except, to love.That’s it.
And reliably, the poetry just begins.
With Love, the world goes round.
There is not much moreto say about this.Except, to love.That’s it.
And reliably, the poetry just begins.
“This poetry book will surprise you. Reading it is a like taking a journey of the soul.” Click here for a review by poet/reviewer LB Sedlacek.
Other reviews:
“This is the stuff of ash and angels! I can’t pick a favorite. I have it narrowed down to 4 or 5…maybe 6??? I’m struck most by how the poet combines the seemingly mundane events and objects into our lives with the grace of another world, turning the simple into the sublime.”
- Bree T. Donovan, author of Boy Misunderstood, Poems for Antoine and Blackthorns of the Forgotten
“I love it and read it often. I find myself thinking about, and reflecting on, certain poems long after I have put the book down. This is a remarkable collection of poetry, written by a very talented artist. I highly recommend it to others.”- Michael B. Greene, author of the award winning screenplay The Bridge Builder.
"Couldn’t put it down! Read it cover to cover. So enjoyed it. Just amazing." - -- Linda Caldwell, New Jersey
The poetry in this volume talks of the universal connection of each of us. I’ve enjoyed reading them. And have re-read more than a few. Good stuff.
- R.T. Notaro, poet
From the opening poem:
And we go big as a dot. But lives go far more deep than any high definition screen, somewhere intertwined beneath the pixels...
Writers take their turns to pen of this expansive residence. I humbly acquiesce, but my ink shall fall small here. Take my hand. Steady it.
And here we are on a dot in the middle of the wide sky.And here we are.Yes, here we are…
And here we are on a dot in the middle of the wide sky.And here we are.Yes, here we are…
Joe's published poems are presented here and on the various tabs of this website.
Lined Cemetery
And the holes here are eventually filled with earth reused.We all shall linger in our own way, but are arranged as seedsto give, to wait, and then to fall into place, break, and reach.
See the dead leaf walking as Lazarus across rippled white snow,slow, and then somewhat gallantly, for no one should hide afraid.See belief in life’s eternity, and the stone run like morning sun
on its sure way. See spring arise from the deep no longer buried underneath.We all shall begin. Published by Anatolios Magazine
See the dead leaf walking as Lazarus across rippled white snow,slow, and then somewhat gallantly, for no one should hide afraid.See belief in life’s eternity, and the stone run like morning sun
on its sure way. See spring arise from the deep no longer buried underneath.We all shall begin. Published by Anatolios Magazine
"Truth Cannot Be Forever Hidden" - Junto Magazine

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